Property listings

Show on map
$ 3,880,000
Grand Villa at Malmok
Residential for sale
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1,218 m2
Lot size
$ 3,200,000
Mahuma Property Land
Property Land for sale
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New Listing
16,000 m2
Lot size
$ 3,000,000
Exquisite Mansion Two Hou...
Residential for sale
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New Listing
2,160 m2
Lot size
$ 2,034,837
Ponton Large Property Lan...
Property Land for sale
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New Listing
8,101 m2
Lot size
$ 1,900,000
Ocean Front Two Story Tow...
Condominium for sale
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New Listing
$ 1,695,000
House with Ten Apartments...
Commercial for sale
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New Listing
1,409 m2
Lot size
$ 1,650,000
Elegant Townhome for Sale...
Condominium for sale
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New Listing
$ 1,600,000
Exquisite Villa!
Residential for sale
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"0" // plugins/powersystems/core/components/Image.php:74
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New Listing
1,378 m2
Lot size
$ 1,600,000
Blue Residence 3-bedroom...
Condominium for sale
System\Models\File {#2462 // plugins/powersystems/core/components/Image.php:74
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"0" // plugins/powersystems/core/components/Image.php:74
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New Listing
$ 1,450,000
Residential for sale
System\Models\File {#2345 // plugins/powersystems/core/components/Image.php:74
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"0" // plugins/powersystems/core/components/Image.php:74
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1,001 m2
Lot size
$ 1,450,000
Large Land at Tierra Del...
Lease Land for sale
System\Models\File {#2624 // plugins/powersystems/core/components/Image.php:74
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"0" // plugins/powersystems/core/components/Image.php:74
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